Open Every Sunday of the month

We're open every Sunday 10:30am - 12:00pm & 12:30pm to 3:00pm Weather Permitting

We're Running Every Sunday!!

Come on down and enjoy the summer down at the Hamilton Model Engineers we're open every Sunday year round. Join us for a ride around our scenic track. Ticket prices starting at $3 for a single ride. 

Our Covered Shoe Policy

Here at the Hamilton Model Engineers, we have a strict Covered Shoes Policy, which has been enforced from November 2018 due to Health & Safety Concerns. Please read carefully below to make sure you abide by our policy, and avoid disappointment on the day.

Bare Feet (No Shoes) - Bare Feet or No Shoes are strictly banned. Anyone who wishes to ride without footwear of any kind will be politely refused a ride.

Jandals/Open Toe Footwear are no longer permitted to ride on the train,  Anyone who wishes to ride without inclosed toe footwear of any kind will be politely refused a ride.

Closed Toe Footwear - Closed Toe Footwear is the strong recommendation we make when riding our trains, for the utmost in safety. 

VOLUNTEERS WANTED To Help Run the Railway

To the lovely people of Hamilton and the Waikato, the Hamilton Model Engineers is in need of your help.

Do you have a spare Sunday or two a month to help us out with running the railway?

We are looking for new members from all walks of life to come and join our club.

Do you want to learn how to drive as well as help to Maintain our club locos and rolling stock?

Other duties can include:

• Clipping ticket’s

• Running the station

• Help setting up for the day and packing away at the end of the day

Learn how to build your own steam engine with the help of our resident model engineering team.

Minimum Age, if joining on your own, is 14 years and over.

Contact us by Facebook messenger or email if you are Interested or want more information. You can fill out the form below and we'll endeavor to make contact within 1 - 4 working days thanks.  

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Thanks for your message we'll get back to you in 1-4 working days thanks Team HME


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